Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Few Things

Yesterday was hot. So was the day before and the day before and........
We are not used to this weather in Melbourne.
Melbourne is the city that can have 4 seasons in a day and yet here we are in Autumn still experiencing Summer heat without the beautiful changes we are so used to enjoying. 
Not wanting  to really get stuck into anything in particular, I noticed my hat looking a bit bereft.
This hat was bought in Cambodia and travelled to India last holidays. It is usually my 'yard duty' hat that I have to wear when watching students outside at play time. We have a 'No hat, no play' policy so my hat gets lots of use. It had recently lost its headband and acquired a slightly battered look from being squashed into suitcases so I decided to add a new head band. 
The buttons are a bit twee but the kids will like it and they were a good way to keep the band sewn onto the hat.
I was really wanting something else to do but had not real idea. I decided to open my cupboard that I keep half done things in and found some old log cabin blocks from May 2011.

I tried all sorts of backgrounds and decided it was annoying me and packed them off to the cupboard.
Yesterday was the first time they had seen the light of day for a long time.
Without much thought or planning I used some of the Michael Miller fabric I had left over from another quilt and joined it up.
Not particularly but it kept me amused for a couple of hours and also made me feel like at least things were being finished.
I'm really annoyed by the two blocks that actually touch each other. I feel like it should be cut up and another band added.
Maybe next weekend. 


  1. You know, I didn't see the "touching blocks" until you pointed them out. I think I would also want to separate them, otherwise I like the quilt a lot. Lovely hat band too, cute buttons.

  2. I think your solution is very fun - quirky and folksy and fits your blocks very well. And sometimes "done" is better than anything right?

  3. Cute idea for your hat band. I didn't notice the blocks touching either until you pointed it out. What a fun quilt.

  4. I wish I could make a quilt that pretty "without much thought or planning." Wow. The touching blocks don't bother me a bit. :-)

  5. I LOVE it! Touching blocks and all. Your hat is fun too. Hope the heat cools down soon!


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